Hyundai Transys is actively pursuing ESG management by establishing a mid- to long-term ESG strategy system for ‘transformation to sustainable mobility.’
Mid- to long-term
ESG vision
Transformation to
Sustainable Mobility
Strategic direction
Key tasks
Build a carbon
neutrality systemContributing to a sustainable environment
for future generations by striving
to achieve carbon neutrality across the entire value chain
Expand green
product developmentContributing to a sustainable environment
for customers and nature
by developing more eco-friendly products as a global corporate
Make an eco-friendly
workplaceMinimizing the impact on local communities
and the natural environment
by reducing pollutant emissions from business sites
Create future jobsEnhancing social contributions by securing
growth engines and providing
employment opportunities through talent acquisition in the
eco-friendly field
Establish human rights
risk management systemEnsuring human rights protection and risk
mitigation in the course of
business operations along with proactive human rights
Promote diversity
and inclusionStrengthening implementation efforts to
realize a society without
discrimination and foster an organizational culture with diversity
and inclusion
Internalize safety
and healthCreating quality and safe jobs by
preventing safety accidents,
spreading safety culture, and internalizing it
Innovate the corporate
cultureEstablishing a creative, horizontal
corporate culture and cultivating
innovative and flexible-mindset talents through employee engagement,
facilitated communication, and capacity building
(Local community)
Disseminate social
contribution impactContribute to achieving sustainability for
future generations by resolving
community problems
(Customer) Innovate
customer experience
and improve product
reliabilityProviding valuable products and services
for customers at the optimal
moment when they need them
(Supply chain) Build
a sustainable supply
chainEstablishing a supply chain ESG management
process to evaluate, manage
and improve potential ESG risks of suppliers
(BOD) Secure
soundness of the BODSecuring independence, diversity, and
expertise of the BOD to improve
soundness and operational efficiency of it